Thursday, March 3, 2011

'Twas The Night Before Ethiopia

Well guys, the day has finally come... Lauren sets out on her journey to Ethiopia tomorrow morning at 6:30 a.m.  A 12 hour flight will land her in the capitol city, Addis Ababa.  Never in her wildest dreams could she have imagined that she would be traveling all the way to NorthWestern Africa.  She is in for quite the adventure.... STAY TUNED!

I'm honestly SHOCKED that my wife could fit 10 days worth of cloths into one backpack....
Lets face it, we all know that she doesn't travel light!!

1 comment:

  1. She definitely does not travel light that is for sure. I'm sure..knowing her that she is running all around the house grabbing things she has forgotten but let her know that I love her. Hope she has an amazing time. Safe travels. Once in a life time experience and what better person to get to experience it other than my sister!

    P.S. the haircut! Wish I could have seen it in person. You would have never heard the end of it from me..aka your favorite sister in law!
