Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A much needed update

The last few months have been crazy and have gone by so fast. I cannot believe its almost June. We spent Easter at home with our families and our beautiful niece Sarah. Is she not the cutest thing you have ever seen? We also went to the leg warmers concert towards the end of April and had a great weekend with great friends. If you haven't been to a Leg Warmers concert... it is a must do!

Baby Sarah at Easter!
Getting pumped for the Leg Warmer's concert

At the beginning of May, Winchester had their 85th annual Apple Blossom Festival. I was finally able to participate in the festivities this year. My family came to visit as well as several friends. We grilled out all weekend and watched some of the parade. And did I mention.....Mario Lopez was the grand marshall! Seeing him took me back to my Saved by the Bell days. How can you not love his dimples!

Waiting for Mario!

Mario Lopez! 

Kathy and Willard loving the parade!

This weekend Sean and I were able to go home for the three day weekend and celebrate Memorial Day with our families. We were so excited for our first beach day of the season and ended up spending 5 hours there on Saturday. We got so burned we weren't able to go back the rest of the weekend. We were also able to catch up with friends, celebrate a graduation, and hang out with my little cousins by the pool.